
Summer Time Bacon, Tomato & Corn Pasta

Summer is almost here and our farmer's market is filled with colorful heirloom tomatoes, corn in shades of soft yellow and fresh fragrant basil. What's better on a warm summer day than a simple pasta dish filled with summer time veggies and bacon? This recipe is so simple and fast, it will soon become your favorite summer go-to dish.

Raviolo al Uovo & the Glorious Egg Yolk 

I absolutely love adding an over-easy egg on top of any savory dish, the runny egg yolk adds a wonderful richness and makes your dish extra yummy.  While watching Worst Cooks in America a few weeks back, I came across this recipe for Raviolo al Uovo….can someone please teach me how to pronounce this?!? The recipe called for adding an egg yolk on top of a bed of creamy ricotta filling, all wrapped inside a freshly made pasta. I'm a busy working mom, there will be very rare occasions where I will have enough time (and patience) to make my own pasta, but I still very much wanted to try to make this dish. So I went to our local grocery store and found pre-made potsticker wrappers...still patting my back for this genius substitute! 

Ultimate Snickerdoodle 

Snickerdoodles are one of my husband's favorite cookies, he especially like the ones from Speciality's because of their chewy consistency. Sundays are Mommy & Sofie baking days, however since I had to work part of this Sunday, I decided this was a good recipe to do in a short amount of time. I love these cookies because they are super soft and chewy (thanks to all that butter). I actually like to leave them out uncovered for overnight to 24 hours, they lose some moisture and become even chewier. Can you say YUM-O! Here is the recipe and step by step instruction. 

photo of the list of ingredients needed to bake the ultimate snickerdoodle cookies

1 comment:

  1. I love the simplicity of the recipe plus the photos to show the step by step how-to. Awesome!
