Monday, April 22, 2013

Raviolo al Uovo & the Glorious Egg Yolk

I absolutely love adding an over-easy egg on top of any savory dish, the runny egg yolk adds a wonderful richness and makes your dish extra yummy.  While watching Worst Cooks in America a few weeks back, I came across this recipe for Raviolo al Uovo….can someone please teach me how to pronounce this?!? The recipe called for adding an egg yolk on top of a bed of creamy ricotta filling, all wrapped inside a freshly made pasta. I'm a busy working mom, there will be very rare occasions where I will have enough time (and patience) to make my own pasta, but I still very much wanted to try to make this dish. So I went to our local grocery store and found pre-made potsticker wrappers...still patting my back for this genius substitute! Since these potsticker wrappers are a lot smaller than Chef Anne Burrell's version, I tweaked her original recipe a little as well. I also cut out the bacon completely (even though I love bacon!), and used low fat ricotta to save on a few (or more than a few) calories. Here's how I did it.


8 leaves of Sage
1 tbsp of fresh thyme
1 cup low fat ricotta cheese
1/2 cup grated Parmigiano
1 large egg plus 4-12 large egg yolks *
1/2 stick unsalted butter (1/4 cup)
1/4 cup chicken stock
Salt & pepper to taste
*the recipe for the filling can make about 10 – 12 raviolis, however I am only making 4 since we are a family of 3
a mixture of ricotta cheese, thyme, eggs and seasoning.
1. Start by mixing together the ricotta , thyme, grated parm, 1 large egg, a pinch of salt and pepper in a bowl.

pot sticker wrappers to use instead of freshly made pasta
 2. These are the pre-made pot sticker wrappers. You can also use Wonton wrappers if you don't mind the square shape.

adding ricotta filling to the pre-made pot sticker wrappers
3. Add about a tablespoon of ricotta filling to the middle of the pot sticker wrapper.

use spoon to make a dip in the middle of the ricotta filling
4. Use a spoon and make a little dip in the middle of the ricotta filling. 

separate the egg whites into a separate bowl
5. Separate the egg white in a separate bowl. The left over egg whites are perfect for a healthy breakfast scramble. 

drop the separate egg yolk on top of the ricotta filling
6. Drop the egg yolk on top of the dip you made in the ricotta filling. 

4 ravilois ready to be covered with top layer of pasta
7. We are a family of three, and Sofie won't be eating this, so I only made four total. The recipe for the filling can make between 10 to 12 raviolis.

roll out the top layer pot sticker wrapper
8. Since the top wrapper needs to be bigger than the bottom to cover the egg yolk, I used a rolling pin to roll out about 1cm wider all around. Make sure to dust your rolling pin and counter with flour so it doesn't stick. 

use a little water to seal all the edges on the ravioli
9. Dip your finger into a little water and wet the edges of the bottom wrapper. 

gently press down on the top wrapper to seal ravioli
10. Gently drop the rolled out wrapper on top of the egg. Use your fingers to gently press together all sides. 

use a fork to tightly seal all edges on the ravioli
11. Use a fork and press down on all edges with a little bit of force. You want to make sure all edges are tightly sealed so your egg yolk does not leak out. 

raviolis are ready to be cooked in boilling salted water.
12. These little beauties are ready to be dropped in a pot of boiling salted water. 

butter sauce with sage for raviolis
13. Melt the butter in a small pan, and add in sage and chicken stock. Cook on medium heat until the sauce has thickened and reduced by half. Turn off flame and set aside. 

gently drop ravioli into boiling salted water
14. Very gently drop your raviolis into a pot of salted boiling water. Do not overcrowd them, you do not want them to stick. 

raviolis will cook very quickly
15. These raviolis will cook very fast. As soon as they float to the top, which is about 2 minutes, take them out immediately and set aside.

coat the ravioli in butter sauce
16. Drop each ravioli into the butter sauce to coat. 

ravioli with runny egg yolk in butter sage sauce
17. Transfer to plate and add about a tablespoon of sauce on top. Garnish with leftover sage and top with grated parmigiano.

cut into the ravioli to reveal runny egg yolk center
18. Cut into the ravioli and the egg yolk center should still be very runny. 


Monday, April 8, 2013

Ultimate Snickerdoodle

Snickerdoodles are one of my husband's favorite cookies, he especially likes the ones from Speciality's because of their chewy consistency. Sundays are Mommy & Sofie baking days, however since I had to work part of this Sunday, I decided this was a good recipe to do in a short amount of time. I love these cookies because they are super soft and chewy (thanks to all that butter). I actually like to leave them out uncovered for overnight to 24 hours, they lose some moisture and become even chewier. Can you say YUM-O! Here is the recipe and step by step instructions. 



photo of the list of ingredients needed to bake the ultimate snickerdoodle cookies
2 sticks of unsalted butter at room temp (2 cups)
1 3/4 cup of sugar
2 eggs
3 cups of flour
1 tbsp of vanilla extract
2 tsp cream of tartar
1 tsp baking soda
2 tsp baking powder
small pinch of salt
1 tbsp ground cinnamon


 1. I don't know about you, I often find myself needing room temperature butter, but never have any available. Nuking butter in the microwave is tricky, one extra second can melt your butter instead of making them room temp. I found the best way to quickly bring cold butter to room temp is by cutting them into little cubes, break the cubes up with your fingers and drop them into a bowl, and leave out for about 10 minutes. Meanwhile, gather all your other ingredients. Your butter should be ready by the time you have everything you need. 

photo of cold butter cut to small cubes to bring to room temperature faster

2. Preheat oven to 375F. 

3. Combine your room temperature butter with 1 1/2 cups of sugar, eggs and vanilla extract in a mixing bowl. 

photo of sofie pouring butter and other snickerdoodle ingredients into the mixing bowl

4. Cream everything together with the paddle attachment for a couple of minutes until it's creamy and fluffy. Be patient!

photo of sofie watching butter, sugar, eggs and vanilla being whipped together in the electric mixer

5. In a separate bowl, combine flour, cream of tartar, baking soda, baking power and salt. Turn off your mixer, and pour in the flour content. Be sure to start your mixer at a low speed until the flour has been incorporated. Otherwise you will be covered in flour! 

photo of whipped butter, sugar, eggs and vanilla in the electric mixer, adding flour

6. While the flour is mixing with the butter. Combine the remaining 1/4 cup of sugar with cinnamon powder in a separate bowl. 

photo of sofie mixing sugar and cinnamon powder to dig in the snickerdoodle dough

7. The Snickerdoodle cookie dough should be fluffy and creamy, it is a pretty wet and buttery dough. 

photo of snickerdoodle cookie dough

8. Roll the cookie dough into a ball, about the size of a golf ball. This recipe makes approximately 23 cookies. 

photo of me rolling the snickerdoodle cookie dough into a ball

9. Roll the ball of cookie dough in the cinnamon sugar mixture. Make sure it is completely covered. 

photo of me rolling the snickerdoodle cookie dough in a mix of sugar and cinnamon powder

10. Set the cookie dough about 1.5 inches apart on a greased cookie sheet. I'm using a silicon cookie sheet, which are nonstick already.

photo of balls of snickerdoodle dough, ready to be baked in the oven

11. Bake the cookies for 10 minutes. Meanwhile keep an eye on the cinnamon sugar mixture, it seems to disappear before the cookies are done. 

photo of sofie eating the cinnamon sugar mixture while the snickerdoodle cookeis are baking in the oven

12. As soon as the cookies come out of the oven, sprinkle them with some more cinnamon sugar mix. Then set them aside on a wire rack to cool down.

photo of me sprinkling cinnamon sugar onto hot snickerdoodle cookeis that came right out of the oven

13. EAT! These cookies are kids and husband approved! They are super soft and slightly chewy. If you like them really chewy (which I do!), leave them out uncovered for 12 to 24 hours.

photo of sofie eating a freshly baked snickerdoodle cookie

photo of freshly baked snickerdoodle cookies

Thursday, April 4, 2013

April Showers

They say April showers bring May flowers. As nice as that sounds, we still can't escape the wet, cold and gloomy days that never seem to stop during the month of April. It's not always easy to be practical and stylish on a rainy day. However, just because the weather is gray and drizzly outside, doesn't mean you should forgo your style completely. Until the sun decides shine upon us again, here are my favorite ways to dress for rainy weather, while still sticking to Spring's top three trends. 

photo of three trendy rainy day outfits, including black and white outfit, neon outfit and floral outfit
     Black & White                     Neon                        Floral
       Coat: Zara                    Coat: Uniqlo             Blouse: Aeropostale
     Blouse: ModCloth               Sweater: Oasis               Jeans: Boohoo
      Skirt: ModCloth               Jeans: J Brand             Rain Flats: Hunter
    Rain Boots: Hunter            Rain Boots: Hunter        Umbrella: LuLu Guinness
     Umbrella: Hunter             Umbrella: Nordstrom        Earrings: Stella & Dot
   Bracelet: Stella & Dot        Necklace: Stella & Dot     Bracelets: Stella & Dot

And lets not forget rainy day outfits for my mini-me! 
photo of three trendy rainy day outfits for little girls, including black and white outfits, neon outfits and floral outfits
        Black & White                 Neon                          Floral  
        Coat:KC Parker             Coat: Boden                   Sweater: Gap 
       Dress: LLBD Shop            Dress: Gap                     Jeans: Gap
     Rain Boots: Walmart         Rain Boots: Boden            Rain Boots: Hunter
                                Jewels: Stella & Dot        Umbrella: Yellow Turtle
