Monday, April 8, 2013

Ultimate Snickerdoodle

Snickerdoodles are one of my husband's favorite cookies, he especially likes the ones from Speciality's because of their chewy consistency. Sundays are Mommy & Sofie baking days, however since I had to work part of this Sunday, I decided this was a good recipe to do in a short amount of time. I love these cookies because they are super soft and chewy (thanks to all that butter). I actually like to leave them out uncovered for overnight to 24 hours, they lose some moisture and become even chewier. Can you say YUM-O! Here is the recipe and step by step instructions. 



photo of the list of ingredients needed to bake the ultimate snickerdoodle cookies
2 sticks of unsalted butter at room temp (2 cups)
1 3/4 cup of sugar
2 eggs
3 cups of flour
1 tbsp of vanilla extract
2 tsp cream of tartar
1 tsp baking soda
2 tsp baking powder
small pinch of salt
1 tbsp ground cinnamon


 1. I don't know about you, I often find myself needing room temperature butter, but never have any available. Nuking butter in the microwave is tricky, one extra second can melt your butter instead of making them room temp. I found the best way to quickly bring cold butter to room temp is by cutting them into little cubes, break the cubes up with your fingers and drop them into a bowl, and leave out for about 10 minutes. Meanwhile, gather all your other ingredients. Your butter should be ready by the time you have everything you need. 

photo of cold butter cut to small cubes to bring to room temperature faster

2. Preheat oven to 375F. 

3. Combine your room temperature butter with 1 1/2 cups of sugar, eggs and vanilla extract in a mixing bowl. 

photo of sofie pouring butter and other snickerdoodle ingredients into the mixing bowl

4. Cream everything together with the paddle attachment for a couple of minutes until it's creamy and fluffy. Be patient!

photo of sofie watching butter, sugar, eggs and vanilla being whipped together in the electric mixer

5. In a separate bowl, combine flour, cream of tartar, baking soda, baking power and salt. Turn off your mixer, and pour in the flour content. Be sure to start your mixer at a low speed until the flour has been incorporated. Otherwise you will be covered in flour! 

photo of whipped butter, sugar, eggs and vanilla in the electric mixer, adding flour

6. While the flour is mixing with the butter. Combine the remaining 1/4 cup of sugar with cinnamon powder in a separate bowl. 

photo of sofie mixing sugar and cinnamon powder to dig in the snickerdoodle dough

7. The Snickerdoodle cookie dough should be fluffy and creamy, it is a pretty wet and buttery dough. 

photo of snickerdoodle cookie dough

8. Roll the cookie dough into a ball, about the size of a golf ball. This recipe makes approximately 23 cookies. 

photo of me rolling the snickerdoodle cookie dough into a ball

9. Roll the ball of cookie dough in the cinnamon sugar mixture. Make sure it is completely covered. 

photo of me rolling the snickerdoodle cookie dough in a mix of sugar and cinnamon powder

10. Set the cookie dough about 1.5 inches apart on a greased cookie sheet. I'm using a silicon cookie sheet, which are nonstick already.

photo of balls of snickerdoodle dough, ready to be baked in the oven

11. Bake the cookies for 10 minutes. Meanwhile keep an eye on the cinnamon sugar mixture, it seems to disappear before the cookies are done. 

photo of sofie eating the cinnamon sugar mixture while the snickerdoodle cookeis are baking in the oven

12. As soon as the cookies come out of the oven, sprinkle them with some more cinnamon sugar mix. Then set them aside on a wire rack to cool down.

photo of me sprinkling cinnamon sugar onto hot snickerdoodle cookeis that came right out of the oven

13. EAT! These cookies are kids and husband approved! They are super soft and slightly chewy. If you like them really chewy (which I do!), leave them out uncovered for 12 to 24 hours.

photo of sofie eating a freshly baked snickerdoodle cookie

photo of freshly baked snickerdoodle cookies

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